Saturday, August 28, 2010

Zion IL man sues over standard Illinois police operating procedures

A Zion man was walking by a fight that was near his residence when he felt a strong shock to his body.   The police tasered him, then arresting him to later be acquitted of all charges.   He has apparently been arrested over 10 times, but never convicted of a single crime:

Wells has been charged with several criminal misdemeanor charges, including assault, property damage, obstruction of justice and resisting a police officer since 1992. He was not convicted of any of those charges.

While I believe the lawsuit is valid, and the police are probably singling this man out, there are parts that I don't agree with.   The man claims to suffer from panic attacks, bi-polar disorder, ADD, and is using those "special needs" to raise the amount of cash owed to him.  My experience with panic attacks from people is that they are extremely narcissistic, and freak out when they can't control everything around them.   This claim leads me to cut the police only a little bit of slack, because after seeing several panic attacks in my day, they are drama filled raving lunatic sessions!

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