Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Oh, so it was a Defensive Dildo

Carolee Bildsten, the woman arrested for assaulting an officer with a feminine pleasure device, has given us her side of the story today:

“I’m counting my cash to make sure I take out enough, and the officer walks into my bedroom and startles me,” Bildsten said, adding that she had recently read an article about a Gurnee police officer who was convicted of sexual assault, which made her nervous.
“I don’t know, it was just this male police officer and me in the apartment, and he startled me,” she said.
Bildsten said she never attacked the officer with the sex toy. She just “instinctively raised it up in a defensive move.”

The officer she had read about was Jay Simon, a "highly decorated officer" and he was convicted recently of molesting a 10 year old.  

The whole story is ridiculous because the officer obviously overreacted, and now we have another person who's life will be further ruined by the police, whom many people find frightening.   The officer should have chuckled it off, told her to knock it off and get the cash for her restaurant bill, and been done with it.   However, in Illinois, and many other states, if the police are involved there is a very high chance an arrest will be made.  

As for her allegation that the officer startled her... he should have, he was committing a number of felonies in Illinois.  For example, in Illinois, there is no exception to the "Aggravated Unlawful use of a Weapon" Felony charge for police officers, so technically they're not allowed to be armed.   If you see any Illinois police officer, it is your legal duty to detain or report his felonious activity of carrying a gun that's not unloaded and in a case in that state.  

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